Day: February 10, 2023

Causes of Vaginitis and How to Treat Vaginitis at HomeCauses of Vaginitis and How to Treat Vaginitis at Home

How to treat vaginitis at home? Getting a proper diagnosis is essential for the best treatment, and you can help your doctor by paying close attention to exactly which symptoms you have and when. It’s also a good idea to describe the color, consistency, amount, and smell of any abnormal discharge.

Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis: Probiotics, garlic

Yeast infections are one of the most common causes of vaginitis. These infections occur when a certain species of fungus that normally lives in your vagina gains an edge and outnumbers healthy, friendly bacteria.

If you’ve been having a yeast infection for a while, your doctor may prescribe a cream or pill that contains antifungal medication to get rid of it. These medications can help restore the balance of bacteria in your vagina and reduce the chances of recurrence.

Bacterial vaginosis is another cause of vaginitis, and it occurs when naturally-occurring “bad” bacteria outnumbers the normal numbers of “good” bacteria that live in your vagina. This condition typically produces a strong fishy odor and can lead to discomfort.

It’s important to see your doctor as soon as you notice any of the following:

Symptoms such as itching, burning, swelling, or itching that doesn’t go away are signs that you have a serious infection. Your doctor may suggest a urinalysis to check for infection, and they might take a sample of vaginal discharge for lab testing.

A sitz bath is another popular home remedy for treating vaginitis. This is a simple, inexpensive procedure that involves dipping your perineum in warm, saline water. The salts in the water kill off the bacteria that cause vaginal discharge and inflammation, and it can be a quick and effective remedy for women who have chronic or severe vaginitis.